Understanding the Impact of Trauma

A traumatic event is an incident that causes physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological harm and distress to a person. It is marked by a sense of horror, helplessness, serious injury, or threat of a serious injury. While many people feel better within three months of a traumatic event, a person’s response may vary. Everyone can react differently to trauma and no one’s trauma is the same. It’s important to understand the impact that trauma can have on you and those around you, even forgotten traumatic events. Forgotten memories of traumatic events can still have an effect on you, even if they aren’t at the top of your mind.

Physical and Emotional Responses to Trauma

All kinds of trauma create stress reactions and cause both emotional and physical challenges. Some common physical reactions to trauma include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, a change in appetite, sweating, and more. You may also feel a severe headache when thinking about the traumatic event. You might also experience emotional troubles. This can include feeling nervous or on edge, feeling shocked or numb, being irritable, having angry outbursts, being unable to trust others, feeling detached or withdrawn, and more. In addition, trauma can also take a toll on your confidence. It negatively impacts your sense of self worth, loss of sense of self, loss of safety, and more.

Common Problems that can Occur After a Traumatic Event

Common problems that can occur after going through a traumatic event include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol or drug abuse. If you or someone you care about is thinking about suicide, call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or visit https://988lifeline.org/

Triggers might also occur in the months following a traumatic event. Triggers are external events or circumstances, which, when they occur, predictably produce reactions that are negative and may be very disturbing. Almost anything can be a trigger to someone, so it is important to identify what their triggers are and what can help to get through them. Potential triggers include loud or abrupt noises, smells, crowds, darkness, dates, etc. 

Healing with EmRes

Living with these physical and emotional problems after a traumatic event is no way to live. One way to help get you through trauma is to seek outside support. Emotional resolution with Cedric Bertelli can help you overcome your trauma by connecting you to the origin of a difficult emotion through your physical sensations and thus modulating the unwanted emotional response permanently. Our body keeps somatic traces of all our traumatic experiences. When exposed to a stimulus that reminds the body of a past danger, the viscero-somatic memory linked to this danger is reactivated, creating the base of a disruptive emotional response. EmRes allows the body to integrate traumatic information and to tune-in to our current reality instead of reacting through a past memory. It helps the body recognize that the perceived danger is nowadays obsolete. If you think EmRes can help you or someone you love get through a traumatic event, you can schedule a free consultation HERE.